Rewrite the bard’s words for irreverent fun and literary laughs
Shakespeare thought it should be “light” through the window and Juliet is the “sun.” But what did he know? A few blind word replacements and everyone is laughing over such ad-libs as, “What fart through yonder window breaks? It is the poop, and Juliet is the cow.”
By answering a series of questions, you can rewrite the most famous scenes ever penned, tearing asunder immortal words in merry pursuit of amusement. All the world’s a game and all the bard’s dramas and sonnets mere playthings for such outcomes as, “Alas, poor Bob! I spanked him, Horatio. A fellow of infinite wang of most excellent flatulence.”
A great way to share some laughs or have fun while discovering Shakespeare, this book’s page after page of silly literary games makes an ideal gift.
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