Weights are great for working the arms and upper body, and the exercise ball produces exceptional results in the core abs and lower body. With exercises suited for all skill levels, Weights on the Ball Workbook shows how to simultaneously use both pieces of equipment for the ultimate total-body workout.
Just sitting on a bench while performing arm curls leaves abdominals doing virtually nothing and leg muscles completely relaxed. Sit balanced on the ball while doing those same curls and a simple arm movement explodes into a total-body exercise as the mid- and lower-body stabilizer muscles are forced to work equally hard. Weights on the Ball Workbook teaches combination exercises like seated curls as well as dozens of specially designed movements that fully utilize the potential of this unique equipment tandem.
In addition to programs that are easily tailored to individual fitness levels, Weights on the Ball Workbook describes proper training methods and explains how to achieve specific goals by varying the workout and carefully monitoring the number of repetitions. Last but not least, the author shows how to have fun and enjoy a workout that produces results in half the time of a traditional workout.
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