Everyone knows that dieting without exercise doesn’t work. But not all exercises are equally effective. Weights for Weight Loss explains why weight training is the best way to get in shape and provides readers with a comprehensive program that will guarantee success. The author dispels the five myths of weight training (fat turns to muscle, lifting makes for bulky muscles, weights are for men, it’s easy to get hurt, heavier is better) and details the numerous benefits of building muscle, such as gaining more energy and a more youthful appearance, and — most importantly — greater fat loss with less effort. The book features exercises for all levels of fitness, from beginner to advanced.
Each exercise is clearly explained with step-by-step instructions and photos that show proper technique. Weights for Weight Loss’s specialty programs include “The 10-Minute Body Blitz,” which hits all the major muscle groups; “The 30-Minute Cardio Circuit,” where exercises are performed at a fast pace with no rest in between; and “The 30-Minute Super Sculpt,” where heavier weights are used for three sets in a row to exhaust muscles one at a time.
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