Discover the epic military fantasy where magic determines your place in life. “This grim, passionate tale will scorch readers.” – Kirkus recommended review
Saiden, a Blood-Cursed legionnaire—blessed by both the God of Life and Goddess of Death—is a paradox. Called both “death-bringer” and “world-ender,” she is surprisingly careful about taking lives and proving herself to be a monster. Torn between her loyalty to her queen and the need to protect her people, Saiden struggles to decide who she is going to be in a world that has already cast her aside.
Queen Loralei is hiding the fact that she’s been blessed by the God of Life while navigating the manipulative and dangerous landscape of ruling a kingdom. When she discovers a mysterious prisoner in her dungeons, she begins to unravel a complicated plot that shadows her reign and would change the course of history.
Mozare, gifted by the Goddess of Death with the powers to control shadows, is hiding lots of secrets in the dark. As Saiden’s legionnaire partner, he would do everything to protect her—even if that means killing the queen she swore to protect to save her from a fate worse than death.
With friends and enemies becoming indistinguishable from each other, can these three individuals survive long enough to fulfill their destinies without losing those closest to them, or will their missions irreparably ruin them—and possibly the entire kingdom?
Samantha Traunfeld’s love of stories began when she was about 12—back when she could read a whole book in a day, and wrote lots of stories featuring cute ghosts. Now she writes stories about badass women, sharp weapons, and banter-y relationships. When she isn’t writing, she’s usually cuddling her dog, starting a new craft project she might not finish, or trying to figure out how video games work. There’s a 94.6% chance you can find her curled up in a bookstore somewhere (math is not her strong suit), but if you don’t, you can find more information on her website:
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A thrilling narrative of survival amid the violence and chaos following the catastrophic destruction...
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A thrilling narrative of survival amid the violence and chaos following the catastrophic destruction...
The thrilling story of teenagers struggling for survival as the modern world collapses around them...
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