A hilarious parody that tells parents how to guarantee their child turns out exactly as desired — no matter how ridiculous the parents’ dream
Parents today are highly frustrated by kids who reach their mid-20s without achieving mind-boggling wealth and fame. Where is my Zuckerberg? My Bieber? What did I do wrong? Short answer — everything! How to Raise a Billionaire Genius tells mom and dad how to fulfill all their expectations and live the lives they never had through their children. Forget hugs and understanding. This book explains how to push kids, mold them, and do anything necessary to ensure they grow up to fulfill their parent’s most wildly unrealistic expectations. Starting from the moment of conception and going all the way through high school, How to Raise a Billionaire Genius includes step-by-step instructions, whimsical illustrations, and handy tips. Leaving nothing to chance, the book offers parents an opportunity to force their children into one of 19 exciting destinies — from Musical Prodigy, Pro Athlete, and Beauty Queen to Genius, Billionaire, and Super Hero.
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