Expert advice on personal growth and decision-making for deeper thinkers who want more than affirmations and clichés
Your stress, anxiety and negative thoughts are huge obstacles to happiness. You must learn to make healthy decisions and place your needs first. This book, The Overwhelmed Brain, provides proven methodologies for smarter, actionable ways to:
•Be true to yourself
•Build positive relationships
•Overcome stress and anxiety
•Stop self-sabotage
•Make smart decisions
•Rise above your fears
With tips, anecdotes, exercises and expert advice from popular life coach and podcaster Paul Colaianni, The Overwhelmed Brain will empower you to take control over your emotional well-being and act on your dreams, goals and values.
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Enjoy a high-protein diet and discover the diversity and richness of plant foods with 55 ...
Rediscover the countless amazing meals you can create with your favorite Trader Joe’s® products, ...
Get out your rice cooker and get ready to learn your new favorite recipes for authentic Korean ...
Enjoy a high-protein diet and discover the diversity and richness of plant foods with 55 ...
Rediscover the countless amazing meals you can create with your favorite Trader Joe’s® products, ...
Get out your rice cooker and get ready to learn your new favorite recipes for authentic Korean ...