Countdown to Preparedness Cover Photo

Countdown to Preparedness

By Jim Cobb

A Comprehensive, Step-by-Step Guide to Fully Prepare Your Family for any Cataclysmic Event


Every year rivers flood, hurricanes strike, and earthquakes shake buildings to the ground. Catastrophic disasters can hit anywhere at any time. There’s simply no escaping them. The only reasonable thing you can do is get prepared. This beginner’s guide to prepping shows how to create a self-sustainable home for surviving anything from a power outage to societal collapse.


In just a few hundred carefully thought-out pages, Countdown to Preparedness takes you and your families from clueless to completely ready. The life-saving program includes information on gathering food and water rations, stockpiling emergency supplies like batteries and first-aid materials, creating a bug-out plan, and even choosing firearms and other weapons for home defense.


Accompanied with detailed illustrations and charts, Countdown to Preparedness offers a six-week course that takes you by the hand as it leads you from unprepared to expertly armed in every way. By the end of this book, you will have built up the survival skills, emergency stocks, and intuitive know-how to save your own life and the lives of your families in the worst of situations.

Jim Cobb

Jim Cobb

Jim Cobb is the author of Prepper’s Home Defense and The Prepper’s Complete Book of Disaster Readiness (2013). Mr. Cobb is a prepper and survivalist and author of the website He lives in Wisconsin.

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Released: May 2014
Price: $15.95

ISBN-10: 1612433049
ISBN-13: 9781612433042

Trade Paper
5" x 8"
200 pages


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