Bella Should Have Dumped Edward Cover Photo

Bella Should Have Dumped Edward

By Michelle Pan



The fourth Twilight book is out, but many controversial issues remain unresolved and open to debate. Now the devoted Twihards at argue passionately about what really happened and what should have happened.


•Who should Bella have ended up with, Jacob or Edward?
•Should Bella have become a vampire?
•Which character was miscast the most in the movies?
•If you could be any Twilight character, who would you be?
•Which movie has stayed truer to the book?
•Which event in the Twilight saga was the most surprising?
•Should Breaking Dawn have ended with a fight?
•Which character’s story would make the best sequel?
•Which vampire power would you rather have?

Released: June 2010
Price: $14.95

ISBN-10: 1569758220
ISBN-13: 9781569758762

Trade Paper
5" x 8"
200 pages

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